Christopher D. Lloyd - Principles of Geographical Information Systems DJV, TXT


'Principles of Geographical Information Systems' provides a thorough, broad-ranging account of the theory and practice of GIS. It explains why spatial data and the information systems based on them are so important in the modern world for solving a range of practical problems., Geographical data are used in so many aspects of our lives today, from disaster relief operations to finding directions on our cellphones. Geographical Information Systems (GIS) are the software tools that turn raw data into useful information that can help us understand our world better.Principles of Geographical Information Systems presents a strong theoretical basis for GIS-often lacking in other texts-and an account of its practice. Through real-world examples, this text clearly explains the importance of spatial data and the information systems based upon them in solving arange of practical problems., Geographical data are used in so many aspects of our lives today, ranging from disaster relief operations through to finding directions on our mobile phones. We can all be data collectors, adding locational information as we capture digitally our day-to-day experiences. Geographical Information Systems (GIS) are the software tools that facilitate this, turning the raw data into useful information that can help us understand our worlds better. Principles of Geographical Information Systems presents a thorough overview of the subject, exploring both the theoretical basis of GIS, and their use in practice. It explains how data on the world are converted into digital form and the analytical capabilities used to bring understanding to a range of areas of interest and issues. Spatial data are usually based on two, dichotomous paradigms: exactly defined entities in space, such as land parcels and urban structures, or the continuous variation of single attributes, such as temperature or rainfall. The adoption of one or the other influences how the geographical data are structured in the GIS and the types of analysis possible. A further area of focus in the book concerns the problems of data quality and how statistical errors in spatial data can affect the results of spatial modelling based on the two paradigms of space. Fuzzy logic and continuous classification methods are presented as methods for linking the two spatial paradigms. The book concludes with an overview of current developments and trends in providing spatial data to an ever-expanding global community of users. Online Resource Centre The Online Resource Centre to accompany Principles of Geographical Information Systems features: For students: DT Links to useful software and software providers for GIS DT Datasets with instructions of how to repeat analyses presented in the book using widely-used software For registered adopters of the book: DT Figures from the book, available for download, Principles of Geographical Information Systems presents a strong theoretical basis for GIS, often lacking in other texts, and an account of its practice. It explains why spatial data and the information systems based on them are so important in the modern world using clearly explained real-world examples of how spatial data and an analysis of their interactions are used to solve a range of practical problems., The most thorough, broad-ranging account of the theoretical basis and practical uses of Geographical Information Systems. Geographical data are used in so many aspects of our lives today, from disaster relief operations to finding directions on our smartphones. We can all be data collectors, adding locational information as we digitally capture our day-to-day experiences. Geographical Information Systems (GIS) are the software tools that facilitate the transformation of raw data into useful information. Building on Peter Burrough's seminal work, this reinvigorated edition of Principles of Geographical Information Systems clearly explains how data are converted into digital form, and how analytical capabilities are used to bring understanding to a range of issues and areas of interest. New to this Edition The redesigned full-colour presentation enlivens the text, artwork, and photographs, and makes it easier for you to visualize the concepts being explained. Three entirely new chapters introduce you to: Visualization, with topics including ephemeral and permanent output three-dimensional visualization, and virtual reality, Dynamic modelling, which provides a detailed introduction to the connections between GIS and these models, The statistical analysis of geographical data. Coverage of mobile GIS, remote sensing, network analysis, spatial analysis, point pattern analysis, and digital elevation models has been enhanced. Common datasets are now used throughout the book to illustrate how one set of data can be explored and applied in numerous ways. For students Datasets with instructions that explain how to repeat analyses presented in the book using widely used software, For registered adopters of the book Figures from the book in electronic format, for use in teaching materials Book jacket.

Christopher D. Lloyd - Principles of Geographical Information Systems read book TXT, FB2, EPUB

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